Top 10 Benefits of Mediation in SLO County

According to Oprah Winfrey, we live in one of the happiest places in the world – San Luis Obispo County.  And while we (California Arbitration Associates located in the Five Cities area), completely agree with her, there are times when the happiest place, clashes with the real world.

Life without conflict would be wonderful! But let’s face it, that’s not reality.  Life is full of conflict.  It occurs between spouses, between parents and children, amongst business partners, between friends, with other businesses and even with neighbors.  Animals, noise, contracts, day-to-day living, divorce, custody issues, work  place issues – just about anything can be a the cause of conflict.  Sometimes you can see the conflict coming and if you are fortunate, you are able to resolve the conflict on your own.  Sometimes you can’t.  That’s when you call California Arbitration Associates in Arroyo Grande for help!

Mediation and arbitration exists for the people that can’t resolve conflict on their own and who don’t want to pay the high price of a  lawyer.  The reason people use mediation is as varied as the reasons for conflict.  But the one overall consensus is that mediation or arbitration is a conflict resolution strategy that benefits all parties.

Here are the top 10 benefits people usual cite about the mediation process:

  1. Boosts communication between each party
  2. Augments understanding among parties
  3. Improves relationships
  4. Clears  comprehension on points of disagreements and agreements
  5. Action plan/resolution for next steps
  6. Saves money over using a lawyer
  7. Lessens time in the court system
  8. Releases stressful situations
  9. Minimizes recurring similar problems
  10. Lowers unknown risks.

If you find yourself in an unresolved stressful conflict or divorce situation, call California Arbitration Associates in Arroyo Grande today.  We are here to help you!


About calarbitration

CEO of California Arbitrations Associates located in the Five Cities area of San Luis Obispo, CA.
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